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1Include sustainability criteria in all major City plans and guidelines


On time
  • Not started
  • Planning
  • Implementation
  • Completed


Develop a checklist of environmental sustainability actions that must be addressed in all major City plans.

Ensure that the checklist is addressed in all updates including the following:

a. Comprehensive Plan

b. Capital Improvement Plan

c. City Wide Master Plan

d. Budget Process

e. CRA Plan

f. Neighborhood Master Plans


What's left to do?

  • Todo12/31/2023

    Create a checklist of sustainability best practices the follow from this Sustainability Action Plan that can be reviewed before new policies, ordinances, and plans are adopted.

  • Todo12/31/2023

    Create a schedule of plans requiring updates and ensure that Sustainability staff is included in the update process.

  • Todo12/31/2023

    Use the sustainability checklist to include sustainability criteria in all the following plans when updated.

      1. Comprehensive Plan
      2. Capital Improvement Plan
      3. City Wide Master Plan (RCAP SP-1)
      4. Budget Process
      5. CRA Plan
      6. Neighborhood Master Plans

Summary and contacts

Contact persons

  • Anand Balram
    Planning Division Manager
    Development Services
  • Costs

  • Funding source

Information updated 04/16/2024