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80Measure and value the existing tree canopy



Conduct a tree inventory; utilize a mixture of volunteer labor and contractors. Determine canopy cover and use iTree Tools to determine the value of the current tree canopy. Present value to the City Commission as rationale for further budget resources dedicated to tree canopy enhancement

Underwater Mermaids

The CRA has successfully implemented a series of underwater artificial reef structures in the form of mermaid modules. These modules are equipped with Coral Loks, an innovative device developed by Ocean Rescue Alliance International. The Coral Loks are designed to significantly enhance coral out-planting efficiency, a crucial aspect of our coral restoration efforts.

Each module can hold up to twenty Corals Locks. These habitat modules, designed for natural reef restoration, and artificial reefs, equipped with receivers to outplant hundreds of coral, hold immense potential for the future of coral restoration.

The Mermaid modules, a testament to our commitment to innovation, were deployed during the first week of November. The new reef area now features 20 moduli of varying designs and appearances. A plaque with the City of Hollywood's name was placed on one of the modulus, symbolizing our partnership. The deployment was captured by our city staff and shared with the public through local TV stations. In the November meeting, the CRA Board, recognizing the potential of our project, directed CRA staff to proceed with the exciting exploration of near-shore mermaids.

Summary and contacts

Contact persons

  • Joshua Collazo
    Grounds, Urban Forestry and Streets Maintenance Superintendent
    Public Works
  • Costs

  • Funding source

    Budget and grants
Information updated 20.06.2024